There are so many products available for children yet all of them contain sugar, colourants, flavourants or lactose which are the very things we, as natural practitioners, are trying to get them to stay away from. For this reason we have come up with this kiddies range. It is 100% herbal and comes in a base of vegetable glycerine, colloidal silver and a bit of alcohol. The glycerin is a natural preservative made purely from vegetables and happens to be very sweet, so makes the products taste good. The colloidal silver is also a natural preservative which helps kill fungus and bacteria among its various other uses.
Our Remedies
Funny Tummy

Stomach cramps
Poor appetite
Ingredients: Chamomile, fennel, cinnamon, valerina, peppermint & marshmallow in a base of colloidal silver, glycerine, alcohol.
(Delivery R100 per parcel)

Disease Prevention
Immune building
Weak immunity
Ingredients: Olive leaf, echinacea, bupleurum, astragalus in a base of colloidal silver, glycerine and alcohol.
(Delivery R100 per parcel)
Bouncy Bunny

Ingredients: Lemon balm, catnip, chamomile and oat straw in a base of colloidal silver, glycerine and alcohol.
(Delivery R100 per parcel)
Hotty Dotty

Ear infections
Throat infections
Sinus infections
Ingredients: Echinacea, golden seal, chapparal, forsythia,Honeysuckle and myrrh in a base of colloidal silver, glycerine and alcohol.
(Delivery R100 per parcel)
Coughy Geoffy

Ingredients: Aniseed, coltsfoot, jie geng, mullein, elderflower, licorice root, marshmallow and plantian in a base of colloidal silver, glycerine & alcohol.
(Delivery R100 per parcel)
Snotty Totty

Ingredients: Echincaea, elder flower, eyebright, goldenrod, ginger, marshmallow, plantain, thyme in colloidal silver, glycerine and alcohol.
(Delivery R100 per parcel)

Colon Cleanser
Blood cleanser
Ingredients: Wormwood, black walnut, cloves, cascara, thyme, ginger, aniseed & olive leaf in a base of colloidal silver, glycerine & alcohol.
(Delivery R100 per parcel)
Let's see which remedy suits your child's condition
Coughing is a common symptom in children and can be caused by a number of illnesses including croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, post nasal drip or the common cold.
Coughy Geoffy for the coughing
Hotty Dotty if there is fever
Snotty Totty if there is a post nasal drip
Diarrhea / Stomach Cramps
Diarrhea refers to the frequent passage of loose or watery unformed stools. As a rough guide it can be said that three or four loose or watery stools a day can be considered as diarrhea. The disease may be acute or chronic. In most cases you do not want to stop the diarrhea with the first 2 days as it is the body’s way of eliminating some toxin. If it is suppressed, the toxin remains in the intestines, which will cause other illness. Most often diarrhea and stomach cramps are related and due to the same possible causes although these causes may result in only one or the other.
Funny Tummy for the cramps and diarrhea
Earache and Ear infections
An earache can be excruciatingly painful. As the ear, nose and throat are all interconnected, the pain can also spread to these areas and cause much distress. An earache can be sharp, dull, or burning pain. Earache is usually caused by a cold getting out of hand. The ear, nose and throat are intimately connected. Any infection in one area tends to affect the other two to a lesser or greater degree. This is especially so in children. Pain can also occur if one has used a pin or matchstick to clean the ears. An erupting wisdom tooth or a toothache can also cause pain in the ear. Increased irritability or pulling at the ears is often a sign of ear pain in infants. Earache in a child or infant is not always from infection. Other causes include water from bathing, soap or shampoo retention, or ear canal irritation from cotton-tipped swabs. With small babies you can press next to the ear to see if there is pain. The baby will let you know if it hurts. If there is an infection, there will be a fever.
Hotty Dotty for the infection
Snotty Totty if there is sinus or post nasal drip
The human body has a normal core temperature of 36 – 37 degrees centigrade. Any variation in this core figure implies that something is amiss. Fever is a protective mechanism of the body’s response to tissue injury. Essentially, fever is a protective mechanism of the body and is actually the beginning of the healing process, carried out by the body’s defense mechanisms, rather than a symptom. It helps mobilize the white blood cells which form a protective screen by the release of antibodies to counter a subsequent attack. Fever generally begins with slight shivering, pain in the head and various parts of the body and exceptional thirst. The flow of urine is scanty. As the fever rises, the pulse and respiration become faster. Finally, there is profuse sweating, a copious flow of concentrated urine, and general relief of symptoms.
Fever could be a symptom of countless conditions so one would have to look for other symptoms too but mostly it is due to either viral or bacterial infection.
Hotty Dotty for the infection
Snotty Totty if there is sinus or post nasal drip
Hyper activity / Anxiety
Many children suffer from this over long periods of time which affects concentration, academic performance and social acceptance. It can be a very debilitating condition if not attended to.
Runny nose
If the mucous is clear there is normally no need for concern. This can be caused from anything starting with cold weather to the beginning of a common cold. If your child is getting ill, there will be other symptoms too like a sore throat, a fever or coughing. If the mucous is green, it means there is an infection in the sinus and is known as sinusitis. This normally goes along with other symptoms too. Sinusitis refers to an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the sinuses. It often follows a common cold, influenza, and other general infections. Infecting germs sometimes find their way into these sinuses or chambers on either side, of the nasal passage, leading to sinus trouble. The symptoms of sinusitis are excessive or constant sneezing; a running nose; blockage of one or both nostrils; headaches and pressure around the head, eyes, and face. Sinus headaches are usually felt in the forehead and in the face just below the eyes. The patient may suffer from low grade fever, lack of appetite, and difficulty in breathing. Sinusitis results from the inflammation of the sinus passages and over secretion of mucus by the membranes lining the nose and throat.
Snotty Totty for the sinus or post nasal drip
Hotty Dotty if there is infection
Throat infections
Any infection or inflammation of the throat will cause pain, which often causes difficulty in swallowing food or speaking. A sore throat is discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat which often makes it painful to swallow. Sore throat refers to the inflammation of the pharynx, or back of the throat. It occurs frequently when a person has a cold or an attack of influenza. This inflammation may also involve the tonsils and adenoids if these have not already been removed. Sometimes a throat pain may feel like a needle pricking at a particular point. This is often because of a pus point or a small abscess waiting to burst. Sore throat is mainly caused by bacteria or a viral infection. Many different kind of ailments can give rise to this condition. In case of an acute sore throat, the patient complains of burning and dryness in the throat followed by chills, fever and some hoarseness or laryngitis. The lymph glands along the sides of the neck may become swollen and tender. The back of the throat may become very red and even covered with a greyish white membrane. The patient may find difficulty in swallowing, especially during the acute stage. There may also be postnasal discharge if the irritation has spread to nasal passages. The patient with sore throat caused by ‘Streptoccal’ germs suffers from high fever and sharp pain with swelling.
Snotty Totty for the sinus or post nasal drip
Hotty Dotty if there is infection
Weak Immunity
Many children suffer from a weak immune system resulting in frequent illness and many courses of antibiotics. It is important to keep the immune system strong so that when illness happens, it can be treated promptly and effciently.

Important things to remember
- Never give children adult medication in any dosage
- Never give children under 6 months any medication, natural or conventional without consulting a trained professional or doctor.
- If you are ever in doubt as to how serious the condition is, rather take the child to a doctor.
- There is nothing wrong with conventional remedies if used at the appropriate time. When a condition is serious or an antibiotic is needed, natural remedies cannot compare.
- Alternative medicine should only be tried for a three-day period. If there is no relief from symptoms within that time, expert opinion is needed, with specific treatment under medical supervision. The alternative medicines can still be taken in conjunction with conventional medicines, but with the consent of the specialist.
- If allergies to any of the remedies occur, discontinue use and seek medical advice.
- Remember that anything taken in excess causes toxicity.
Why do the kiddies sprays contain alcohol you may ask?
Unfortunately using alcohol is the only way one can extract the herbs into a liquid state and preserve it. All herbal and homeopathic drops contain alcohol for this reason.
It is important to take into consideration the dosage of the drops. Even tough there is 16% alcohol in the bottle, there are 400 sprays in a bottle. This means that for each dosage (2 sprays) that your child is receiving, that is 0,25ml of the formula of which 0.04ml is alcohol.
When an adult drinks a beer they are consuming approximately 12ml pure alcohol per beverage. If you work on a 1 year old being roughly the size of 1/10 of an adult, they would need to consume 1.2ml (30 x 0.04ml) alcohol to have the same effect as a beer.
So you can see that it is really a very tiny amount and the herbs in the drops far outweigh the alcohol.